The Best Russian Contemporary Artists (Art Index) is a list (unranked art rating) of artists from Russia and the Russian abroad, no older than 1960, compiled on the basis of indicators for evaluating achievements, popularity, creative activity of authors (titles, awards of artists, participation in exhibitions, fairs, auctions, mention in art -ratings, the presence of works in museum collections, etc.).

Authors can also be included in the list of the Best contemporary artists according to expert recommendations, which allows the art community to discover new talents.

The Art Index makes every effort to ensure the objectivity of the generated list, however, in any case, the list reflects only the subjective position of the compilers.

The maximum number of names in the List is 500 authors (Top 500). The list is open and up-to-date. The Art Index is considering proposals for the inclusion of authors in the list of The Best Russian Contemporary Artists.

The Art Index is primarily aimed at collectors and all connoisseurs of modern fine art.

The art rating discussion platform Art Index is here:

The Art Index (AIx, The Best Russian Contemporary Artists) is a list (unranked art rating) of artists from Russia and the Russian abroad, no older than 1960, compiled on the basis of indicators for evaluating achievements, popularity, creative activity of authors, and expert recommendations.
It is aimed primarily at collectors and all connoisseurs of contemporary art.

Esionov Andrey 



Andrey Esionov included in the list of the Best Russian contemporary artists (ARTEEX). Andrey Esionov - painter and graphic artist, master of composition, portrait and cityscape. A characteristic feature of his creative activity is the search for new means of expression and bold experiments with a painterly form. The author touches on topics of national history, Russian culture, raises philosophical and religious issues. Of particular note is the portrait work of Esionov, images of prominent figures of national culture and science - directors, writers, artists, artists, doctors and public figures. Andrey Esionov turns the portrait into a set design with allegorical attributes. With each character esionovskih portraits associated with any extraneous stories, side plots, and even jokes or visual paradoxes. Attributes and motives are read and understood immediately. A severe and shrewd thinker, an Olympic detached observer of human affairs and a master of lapidary, classical painting technique is one person of Esionov. The witness of human goodness and the creator of the portraits of the best people in the country is a different face. But this is not enough. There is also a third person - the lyrical reporter of everyday life and the observer of street scenes. The watercolorist Esionov seems to playfully cope not only with the views of Moscow, where he has been living for more than twenty years. In recent years, he has been actively writing his chronicle watercolors on the streets of Rome and Jerusalem, Madrid and Paris. In his trained eye remain the movements and habits of different types of people of different ages and characters. The wet pavement in Madrid is not the same as the rainy road in Berlin. The sea warmth of the blessed Cyprus is not the same as the dry heat of Palestine or Samaria (A. Yakimovich) Source: