Kurzanova Olga
Olga Kurzanova is included in the list of the Best contemporary artists of Russia (49ART-arteex). Member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, the International Art Foundation, the Professional Union of Artists of Russia. The works are presented in Russian museum collections, included in the State Catalog of the Museum Fund of the Russian Federation, are in private collections in Russia, Europe, the USA, Australia. Participant of Russian and international exhibitions (Belgium, Monaco, USA, France). He is the founder of a new direction in painting "Black and white Impressionism". Olga Kurzanova's painting collides, at first glance, incompatible things - achromatic colors and impressionistic method. Impressionism is used as a tool for in-depth study of reality. Black-and-white impressionism seems to be the result of looking through special optics, which can be metaphorically compared with X-rays. Multicolour changes the image of things and their perception, while black-and-white contrasting vision makes it possible to see a fragment of reality cleared of minor details. Black-and-white Impressionism highlights the problem of light in a new way – one of the key problems for Impressionism. It is in Kurzanova's monochrome painting that the image of light turns out to be worked out exceptionally subtly. Light is understood not so much as a physical substance, but rather as a speculative, intelligible element of reality. With all the avant-garde figurative language of Kurzanova's painting, her works are undoubtedly characterized by psychologism. Monochrome painting, built on gradations and contrasts of tones, becomes an expression of a rich palette of emotions and experiences. The alternation of light and shadow, which sets the rhythm and movement in the compositions, becomes an expression of an active search for symbolic meanings in the images of everyday things and phenomena. In Kurzanova's works, impressionism is never limited to a "superficial" experiment with form, but is endowed with a heuristic property and strives to realize a "multidimensional" comprehension of reality (Source: Maya Dronik, art critic).