Panfilova Daria
Daria Panfilova is included in the list of the Best contemporary Russian artists (ARTEEX) and the Top 100 young artists (InArt). Daria Panfilova was born in Saratov, lives and works in Moscow. Education: Saratov Art College named after Bogolyubov, St. Petersburg Academy of Arts named after Repin, BHSAD (Moscow), Barcelona Academy of Arts. Member of art residences (Madrid, Paris, Barcelona). Actively exhibited in Moscow, Los Angeles and Europe. In his work, he explores the topic of the Arctic, the interaction of art with digital technologies and cultural codes of different eras. “The Arctic mesmerizes and attracts me for a long time. Severe, restrained and impregnable, it carries a lot of mysteries for scientists and researchers, and is also an indicator of changes on the planet. For me, this is a metaphor for heroism, purity, aspiration for the future and a source of artistic inspiration in textures , color combinations and topics for reflection. Mankind has long been trying to imagine how the region will develop. Ice is life, it stores huge reserves of fresh water, ice is a memory of the past of the planet: one notch yes, a glaciologist can restore the climate of bygone times, ice is information about the future, there are many different types of ice. "